Organizational Coaching: Preparing for Development

A series of guided sessions over 4 months that coaches organizations who are interested in taking on affordable housing projects, but need to organize their governance and build their internal capacity. This series helps assess organizational readiness, identify development principles, align work with their mission, vision and values, and create a development strategy.


This series is for staff teams and/or Board members who represent established (or nearly established), active organizations in the early stages of their growth or expansion. The series includes a mix of content delivery and one-on-one mentorship, and relies on organization participation in take-home assignments.


Organizations will receive a certification upon completion and those who participated will become a member of the Toolbox+ alumni network.

This program was created with the support of CMHC and CHTC.

Key topics covered in the series:

  • Month 1: Organizational Readiness Assessment;
  • Month 2: Development Principles, Partnerships and Responsibilities;
  • Month 3: Assets;
  • Month 4: Development Strategy.

Key details about the series:

  • This series is virtual-only and is delivered through Zoom and Mighty Networks
  • This series is available nation-wide
  • Registration for this series is done per organization. Organizations can enroll as many participants as desired without additional charge. Registration will be opening soon!
  • Organizations must commit to meeting virtually twice per month for a period of 4 months, and commit to completing take-home assignments each month.

Please fill out our request form if you would like to learn more or email toolbox@cahdco.orgĀ 

These offerings will be launched in January 2025!

Consulting Services

Are you interested in speaking with an affordable housing expert? Members of the Cahdco team are available to discuss any of the following:

  • Answering project-specific questions, or advising on how to get a project started;
  • Reviewing government funding applications;
  • Advising on partnership or advocacy opportunities;
  • Offering suggestions for problem-solving;
  • And more.

We are happy to speak with individuals or organizations from any industry, and located anywhere in Canada.

Fill in the request form below to speak with one of us. For more information about who we are, visit Our Team.

Please fill out our request form if you would like to learn more or email toolbox@cahdco.orgĀ 

These offerings will be launched in January 2025!

The Structures Program is Open for Registration!

Check out the details on our page!