Affordable Housing Development & Project Management Consulting.
Cahdco specializes in creating affordable housing projects in Ottawa. Cahdco provides real estate development project management consulting to non-profit organizations in Ottawa & Eastern Ontario. Cahdco can help create the project concept, test its feasibility and lead the project to completion, acting as the owner’s representative.
Cahdco brokers partnerships between non-profit housing organizations, faith groups, market developers & government funding programs. Cahdco has helped create various types of affordable housing including women’s shelters, transitional housing, supportive housing, mixed-income affordable rental housing, and affordable home ownership.

Support for Affordable Housing Development Projects
Cahdco provides real estate advice & capacity for government’s, non-profit organizations and faith groups seeking to create affordable housing. Cahdco helps government bodies design effective housing programs, assists non-profits to create a development strategy, and identifies affordable housing partners faith groups & market developers.

Toolbox+ Knowledge Sharing & Capacity Building for Affordable Housing Projects
Toolbox+ connects you to the knowledge you need to develop a project or grow your organizations development capacity.
Toolbox+ is an affordable housing development community of practice that consists of a set of programs.