Now complete construction, Cornerstone’s new supportive housing residence on 44 Eccles St hosted a fundraiser to ensure that 46 women and gender-diverse people will be provided with a safe, affordable, and permanent home. With $350,000 still needed to be raised, this event was crucial in keeping potential donors involved and aware of the opportunity to create a real impact.
Sponsors, donors, and Cornerstone supporters all descended upon the supportive women’s building for a ribbon cutting, self-guided tour, and speeches from key project members. Folks were invited to tour the range of different units and observe all the ammenities and design choices that make the building great.

The project began in the fall of 2020, with Cahdco identifying a site and funding sources. Hard work from Cornerstone, McDonald Brothers Construction, CSV Architects, Cahdco, gracious volunteers, and many more led to the project finally reaching completion. To learn more about the project, see the previous project update.
If you want to help support this project, consider donating to Cornerstone. Your money can go toward nutritious meals, a new home starter kit, and much more.